About Francesca Eunhyang Choi

Francesca Eunhyang Choi

Korean Pianist, composer and creator

“Francesca Eunhyang Choi will make you fall in love with classical music”, By bringing personal and fresh touch into the classical piano repertoire, including their compositions or video projections, Pianist Eunhyang Choi breaks the barriers and invites her audiences on an emotional journey. 

Ms.Choi’s is a korean Pianist, but as a successor to Russian pianism, Francesca not only has a career as a professional musician, such as winning competitions, recording, composing and jury, but also realizes creative and innovative projects.   

불가능한 꿈을 꾸던 피아니스트. 

19세에 피아노 전공을 시작하여, 러시아, 미국에서 공부하며, 늦은 나이에 , 콩쿨 입상과 연주자로 음악가고 더넓은 길을 가는 , 40이후 다시 음악가로 역주행 하는 피아니스트 최은향 입니다.  

Pour le Piano

Francesca Eunhyang Choi

This "pour le Piano" is the first piano solo album and is like a collection of songs by composers from different eras such as Scarlatti, Chopin, Liszt, Rachmaninoff, Prokofiev and Francesca Eunhyang Choi's compositions.

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    Rachmaninoff Etude op.33-2

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    Pour le Piano

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    Black key Rhapsody

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    Tres Baladillas. Baladilla de la Estrella Perdida

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    Prokofiev piano Sonata No.2

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    Scarlatti Piano Sonata k-27, K 141, K159

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